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Friends Group

The Edgar Lee Masters Memorial Museum was established in 1960 at Masters’ boyhood home in Petersburg to preserve his memory and his influential legacy on poetry and the arts for present and future generations.

The Friends of Edgar Lee Masters Memorial Museum was created to ensure sustainable care of the home and to continue support of Illinois history, poetry and the arts.

Friends’ donations, both in-kind and cash, have contributed to major maintenance projects of the home such as new siding, windows, exterior painting, new front porch and tool shed. The next major project is a new roof. Cash donations also go to utilities, insurance, fees, etc. Friends also volunteer their time and expertise taking care of the landscaping.

Friends support has also allowed us to promote Illinois history and arts with events such as Music on the Back Pork, Young Writer’s Workshop, Poets in the Parlor, and our newest endeavor, Masters’ Back Porch Chautauqua.

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